Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy new year? Weight Watchers, FitBit, Snoring, and a need to prove I can

2014. Another year in a diminishing life. Yet, I am trying to get a vision. 

As a goal oriented person, I need to find a reward at the end of the rainbow. A longer life?  Better sex? Any sex?  I don't even want me right now. 

I work every day to meet deadlines and to satisfy customers and clients.  Why can't I do that for myself? 

I don't like being fat.  I hate being winded just walking to my car. My fat clothes don't fit well now. 

I do love food however. It's actually more of a lust. Kinky really. I binge in secret. I love junk. 

So, how do I change?  

Set a goal?  Set a timeline?  Use technology?  

1. 100 pounds lost by end of the year. (There, I said it. 290 striving for 190.)

2. Before giving time to my job, I will give time to my health/body. 1 hour of exercise or effort each day. 

3. Weight Watchers tracker and FitBit are my first two attempts. 

4. I will strive to log this journey on Blogger. 

Why do I feel so negative already?  It will take a greater power. It will take accountability. It will take focus.   

Maybe this is the first post I make public just to open myself up to scrutiny...


Here goes.